Tuesday, May 10, 2011

LDS Storymakers Annual Writer's Conference

This past weekend I attended this writer's conference. It was so worth the money. I learned a lot. I learned so much that I've decided that I need to totally rewrite my novel I had planned to send in June 1st. Now, I'm not sure when I'll be sending it in. Soon I hope.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

I went and did it!

Yes, you read the title right. I went a did it! "Did what?" you ask. Well I finally went on ldssingles.com. I am paying money in hopes of finding someone online. Can you believe that! I have a hard time believing it, especially after trying a different online dating site a year ago with no luck. Who is to say this time will be different? Maybe I need an examanation to see if everything in my head is working right. Oh well, I've paid for three months. If after three months nothing happens, then I'll get off the dating site and stay off of others for sure. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


So I've been wanting to work on my novel in progress The MASH Boys, but whenever I go to sit down to work on it I feel like it is total crap. I work so hard to come up with funny scenes or even heart touching scenes, but when I read through what I wrote I feel like it is moving too slow. I want to do a story time with a couple of my friends so I can get their feedback on my story, but whenever I try to set up a time to have story time they have something else going on. So, that is what I've been feeling frustrated over lately. But since I've been pretty much stuck on my MASH Boys story I've actually been able to start a whole new novel, which I don't have a title for, and I'm loving it. So I'm actually trying to work on two novels at the same time.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Introducing Shannen Camp!

So my second cousin Shannen Camp is getting published! I am so super excited for her. Her release date for her book "The Breakup Artist" comes to stores October 2011. Since I work at Seagull Book, I expect to see you all there to get a copy of the amazing book. I seriously couldn't put it down, or should I say turn off the computer. You can read her blog at shannencbooks.blogspot.com

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Smokescreen by Traci Hunter Abramson

Hey Readers,

I just finished Traci's newest book Smokescreen. Smokescreen is number 5 in her Saint Squad Series. This series is about a team of Navy Seals in Virgina Beach. They are full of action, suspence, and don't let me forget Romance.

Smokescreen is specifically about Navy Seal Quinn Lambert and the mission he is one to protect the girl he loves from the bad guys. Taylor Palmetta is an artist who spent a year in Europe painting before she came back home to Virginia where all of a sudden one bad thing to another happens to her or more specifically her paintings.

I highy recommend this book, but only if you read her other books. Her other books include: Freefall, Lockdown, Crossfire, Backlass. She also has Undercurrent, The Deep End, The Ripple Effect, and Royal Target. They are all just as great.